MATH 122 Spring 2016
Sections 4 and 7
Meeting Times
Section 04: | MWF | 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM | LeConte 113 |
Section 07: | MWF | 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM | LeConte 113 |
Important deadlines you need to know
- The semester begins Monday, January 11th, and ends Monday, April 25th.
- The deadline to drop/add and the last day to change credit/audit is Tuesday, January 19th. The first day in which a "W" grade is assigned is therefore Wednesday, January 20th.
- The last day to obtain a "W" grade or to elect a pass/fail grade is Thursday, March 3rd. The first day in which a "WF" grade is assigned is therefore Friday, March 4th.
A grade of C or better in MATH 111/111I, or by an algebra placement test.
Applied Calculus by Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, Lock, Flath et al. Wiley 2013 (fifth edition)
Applied Calculus |
Student Solutions Manual |
We will be using WileyPLUS in the course, and the homework will be assigned and completed online. In order to register for WileyPLUS, you need to have a registration code, which should be included with your (new) textbook. If you do not have a registration code, you will need to either return your book and purchase a package that includes a registration code, or you may purchase a registration code separately online at
The Registration code includes access to the entire contents of the textbook online, so you may opt to purchase only the registration code and then use the online transcription of the textbook to study.
In order to sign up for your section of the course on WileyPLUS, visit
Section 04:
Section 07:
There you will be able to enter the registration code from your textbook and enroll in our section of the course online. Once you have successfully enrolled, use to login to your account and complete homework assignments.
A graphing calculator is required for this course. Either the TI-83 or TI-84 is preferred, and as a matter of fact, highly recommended. A TI-89 or a similar calculator with a computer algebra system is not allowed on examinations.
TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator |
TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator |
Course Structure and Grading Policies
Your final score for the course will be computed as follows:
- Homework: 10% of the course grade. Homework problems will usually be assigned at the end of each lecture.
- Quizzes: 10% of the course grade. At least a quiz will be given weekly through, except the week of a test, or the last week of classes. Pop-quizzes will be given constantly as well in class.
- Tests: each test counts 10%, for a total of 50% of the course grade. There will be five in-class tests tentatively scheduled as follows:
Test # Date 1 Mon Feb 08 2 Fri Feb 19 3 Fri Mar 04 4 Fri Apr 01 5 Mon Apr 18 - Final exam: 30% of the course grade. The dates for the final exam are:
- Section 04: Friday, April 29th at 12:30PM.
- Section 07: Wednesday, April 27th at 12:30PM.
- Participation in an authorized University activity (such as musical performances, academic competitions, or varsity athletic events in which the student plays a formal role in a University sanctioned event)
- Required participation in military duties
- Mandatory admission interviews for professional or graduate school which cannot be rescheduled
- Participation in legal proceedings or administrative duties that require a student’s presence
- Death or major illness in a student’s immediate family
- Illness of a dependent family member
- Religious holy day if listed on
- Illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class
- Weather-related emergencies
The course grade will be determined as follows:
A | 90%-100% |
B+ | 85%-89% |
B | 80%-84% |
C+ | 75%-79% |
C | 70%-74% |
D+ | 65%-69% |
D | 60%-64% |
F | below 60% |
Attendance is mandatory. Penalties to your final grade apply as follows:
- Students missing five sessions without a valid excuse will have a penalty of 5 points in their final grade (this is equivalent to a half-letter penalty, e.g. from C to D+).
- Students missing seven sessions without a valid excuse will have a penalty of 10 points in their final grade (this is equivalent to a full-letter penalty, e.g. from B to C)
- Students missing nine sessions or more without a valid excuse will have a penalty of 15 points in their final grade (this is equivalent to a letter-and-a-half penalty, e.g. from A to C+)
- Dishonesty: Students whose names appear on the attendance sheet, but are not present in class, will have immediately applied an extra penalty of 5 points in their final grade.
Further Information
- Honor Code: The Honor Code applies to all work for this course. Please review the Honor Code at [this link]. Students found violating the Honor Code will be subject to discipline.
- Class notes and other additional material will be stored in Dropbox. In that case, you will need an account to retrieve it. If you do not have one already, sign-in through [this link] with your academic e-mail address to receive a base 4GB storage, plus an extra 500MB, free of charge.
- Remember to change your e-mail address on Blackboard if necessary []
- Office of Student Disability Services: If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need any assistance, please notify the instructor immediately.
- The Math Tutoring Center is a free tutoring service for MATH 111, 115, 122, 141, 142, and 170. The center also maintains a list of private tutors for math and statistics. The center is located in LeConte, room 105, and the schedule is available at the Department of Mathematics website ( No appointment is necessary.
- Student Success Center:
In partnership with University of South Carolina faculty, the Student Success Center (SSC) offers a number of programs to assist you in better understanding your course material and to aid you on your path to success. SSC programs are facilitated by trained undergraduate peer leaders who have previously excelled in their courses. Resources available to students in this course include:- Peer Tutoring: You can make a one-on-one appointment with a peer tutor by going to Drop-in Tutoring and Online Tutoring may also be available for this course. Visit the previous website for a full schedule of times, locations, and courses.
- Success Connect: Throughout the semester, I may communicate with the SSC regarding your progress in the course. If contacted by the SSC, please schedule an appointment to discuss campus resources that are available to you. Success Connect referrals are not punitive and any information shared by me is confidential and subject to FERPA regulations.
- The Supplemental Instructor is Cole Kynoch. </ul> You can find his schedule and contact information at
Learning Outcomes
A student who successfully completes Applied Calculus (MATH 122) will master concepts based on derivatives and integrals of elementary algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will be able to solve (with and without the aid of a graphing calculator) applications involving maxima, minima, rates of change, motion, work, area under a curve, and volume. Students will be able to verbally interpret data given as graphs, tables, and equations, and put into words the relationship between a function and its derivative or integral.
Lesson Plan
- First part: Introduction to Functions
- Mon Jan 11: Syllabus review. Background Algebra
- Wed Jan 13: [slides] 1.1. Intro to functions. [p.5 #2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12a, 13, 14, 16, 23, 24a]
- Fri Jan 15: [slides] 1.2. Linear functions. [p.12 #5,6,7,8,14,15]
- Wed Jan 20: [slides] 1.2 & 1.3. Intercepts, Change, and Average Rate of Change. [p.12 #1,2,3,4,12,25; p.22 #12,13,15,16,20,27]
- Fri Jan 22: [slides] 1.3 Relative change. [p.22 #42--46]
- Mon Jan 25: [slides] 1.4. Applications of functions to Economics. [p.35 #4,6,8,9,10,11,19,20,22,23]
- Wed Jan 27: [slides] 1.5. Exponential functions [p.43 #2,4,6--12,19]
- Fri Jan 29: [slides] 1.6. The natural logarithm [p.50 #1--17,21,27--29]
- Mon Feb 01: [slides] 1.7. Exponential growth and decay [p.56 #1,3--5,8,10--12,16]
- Wed Feb 03: Exponential growth and decay (II)
- Fri Feb 05: [slides] 1.8 & 1.9. Power functions, polynomials. Reflections, shifts, stretches. [p.62 #1--9,32--41; p.67 #1--12]
- Mon Feb 08: First Test. Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8.
- Second part: Introduction to Derivatives
- Wed Feb 10: [slides] 2.1--2.3. Intro to derivatives: instantaneous rate of change
- Fri Feb 12: [slides] 2.3 & 2.4. Notation and interpretation of the derivative. 3.1 & 3.2. Derivative rules [p.139 #1-36, 40,41,45,50; p.144 #1--28,33,34,40]
- Mon Feb 15: [slides] 3.3. The chain rule.
- Wed Feb 17: [slides] 3.4. The product and quotient rules.
- Fri Feb 19: Second Test. Sections 2.1--2.4, 3.1--3.4
- Third part: Applications of Derivatives
- Mon Feb 22: [slides] 3.2. First applications of the derivative.
- Wed Feb 24: [slides] Applications to Marginal analysis. The Relative Rate of Change [p.119 #9--11,13; p.154 #3,4,7--14,16,20,21,23--28,35,36,41,42; p.140 #59]
- Fri Feb 26: [slides] 4.1 & 4.2. The second derivative and interpretation in terms of concavity [p.106 #1--4,7,10,16; p.113 #3--8,16,17] Local maxima and minima. Inflection points.
- Mon Feb 29: 4.3. Global maxima and minima
- Wed Mar 02: 4.4. Applications to Finance
- Fri Mar 04: Third Test. Sections 3.2, 4.1--4.4
- Fourth part: Introduction to antiderivatives
- Mon Mar 14: 7.1. Intro to antiderivatives and integration (I)
- Wed Mar 16: 7.1. Intro to antiderivatives and integration (II)
- Fri Mar 18: 7.2. Integration by substitution (I)
- Mon Mar 21: 7.2. Integration by substitution (II)
- Wed Mar 23: 7.2. Integration by substitution (II)
- Fri Mar 25: 7.4. Integration by parts (I)
- Mon Mar 28: 7.4. Integration by parts (II)
- Wed Mar 30: 7.4. Integration by parts (III)
- Fri Apr 01: Fourth Test. Sections 4.1--4.4, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4.
- Fifth part: Applications of antiderivatives
- Mon Apr 04: 5.3. Area
- Wed Apr 06: 7.3. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Fri Apr 08: 5.2. Approximations to the definite integral by Riemann sums
- Mon Apr 11: 5.4. Interpretations of the definite integral as total change
- Wed Apr 13: 6.1 & 5.3. Interpretations of the definite integral as average value.
- Fri Apr 15: 5.3 & 6.2. Area between two curves. Consumer and producer surplus
- Mon Apr 18: Fifth Test. Sections 5.2--5.4, 6.1 and 7.3.
- Sixth part: Review
- Mon Apr 20: Review [review exam]
- Wed Apr 22: Review
- Mon Apr 25: Review